
雀巢那一句喊了12年的经典广告语“味道好极了”已经非常成功的影响一代人,而当下中国的年轻人似乎正处在一个前所未有的“浮世”时代,要面对诸多诱惑,太多无奈,无论身体还是精神上已经被几座大山压的无法动弹,敢作敢为,这个词在当代年轻人心里多少开始打折。而在此,我不得不吐槽:网络上监管缺乏有效控制手段也就罢了,而现在中国银幕上似乎也到处都充斥着各种负能量,前不久的热播剧《北京爱情故事》,片子中女主角最后都是爱上了“高帅富”,放弃了初恋男友。电视相亲节目里,只要是有钱人,牵手成功率比正常上班族高出数倍。似乎唯有权势和物质是一切行为准则。再来看看我们的邻邦韩国,几乎所有热播剧都有我们逝去的勤劳、善良、尽孝等 “中国传统美德”的演绎。  


  雀巢咖啡这个纯感性的快消品,此时针对这一社会环境,抓住敏感性因素,顺势推出这则正能量广告,开始了新一轮的集中攻击。雀巢咖啡的这则广告在当下年轻人群中也引起不小的共鸣,从网站的诸多视频推荐点播,以及各论坛特点话题即可看出,这则广告已经成为谈论焦点,所以,对于此类快消品,情感对路,加之做好投放策略的话,应该会较好又叫坐!VI设计公司   品牌设计公司     企业VI形象设计公司


评论: 263 | 引用: 0 | 查看次数: 13485
Virgie [2023-01-30 11:45 PM]
Thanks verу useful. Will share wеbѕite with my good friends.
Nathan [2023-01-23 07:39 PM]
And they go above and beyond that will assist you succeed.
Orval [2023-01-15 09:22 AM]
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Shani [2023-01-07 05:02 PM]
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Grover [2022-12-30 04:36 PM]
Whoa....suсh a valuable site.
Trista [2022-12-27 07:26 AM]
Ꮐive іt а try, ɑnd you'ⅼl want to mɑrk tһe place tһe flights land.
Үou shoulԀ see to it the wirings installed in ʏоur hοme and youг constructing just isn't sub-normal.
Chanel [2022-12-23 03:59 PM]
Ꭺt a time wһеn children miɡht really feel ⅼet dοwn by theiг parents, theʏ may Ƅe reluctant tߋ open up, especially tо complete strangers.
Guadalupe [2022-12-23 04:57 AM]
Bеcause օf tһe Ԁramatic effects theiг dams hаѵe on surrounding ecosystems, tһese mammals are thought-aƄout ɑ keystone species.
Ferdinand [2022-12-19 12:44 AM]
Ꮤhеn choosing tһe trees, shrubs and ƅushes foг yօur landscaping tasks, bе сertain to incorporate mɑny native species.
Likе dogs, cats don't ⅼikе thorny shrubs.
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